What is Pet Play in BDSM?

Are you Curious about Pet Play?
When I first saw a submissive ‘pet’ walking around on a leash at a convention with their dominant, I was immediately curious. After some research and interviewing many who enjoy it as both a lifestyle and as casual play, I found there was a lot of love in this display of trust.
Come along if you’ve ever been curious about the act of pet play between consenting adults!
What is Pet Play?
When people hear of pet play as sexual roleplay it is hard to fully understand. It’s important to know that pet play does not include real animals. Instead, it’s the act of someone in the relationship (often the sub) acting like a pet. This pet can be any animal but some of the more common are horses, cats, rabbits, and dogs.
Roleplay can include wearing ears or a tail plug, eating from bowls, walking on all fours, using only animal noises to communicate, or nestling against the owner for scratches. In the end, it’s all about the preferences of the partners involved and what has been discussed between them.
Escaping the Stress and Removing Decision-Making
For many, this is a way to escape from the hardship of the world and to fully submit to their Dominant. In the role of a pet, they are easily led and trained. The act of pet play is not something that needs to lead to the bedroom. For many, it’s a very calming and connecting roleplay with your partner designed to remove the decisions and stressful parts of the world from you.
Submissives that I’ve spoken to about their role in pet play have described it as euphoric, relaxing, and a way to better connect with the needs of their Dom or Master.
Things to Consider
Always remember that this act and any other act in the bedroom must be consensual. Before engaging in pet play, make sure you have a conversation with your partner and put any limitations or requests out in the open. Always have a safe word in place and HAVE FUN!
Here are some of my favorite Pet Play toys that can be added to your roleplay for a bit of extra fantasy and fun!
Soft Vegan Collar and Leash from Liebe Seele
Show Tail Puppy Dog Tail from SquarePegToys
Punishment Fox Tail Silicone Anal Plug from BMS Factory
For more information about this unique fetish, watch the video below!