Tips and Tricks for New Webcam Models

Sex Educator, Author, and Host of Open Bobs BB
It’s overwhelming to start webcam modeling
With so many guides and performers out there, it’s hard to know what to do once you are performing in front of customers. No matter what, it’s important to know the best course is always doing what makes you most comfortable for your unique style!
I have webcammed for well over a decade as a top performer and over the years I have found some tips and tricks that can help you run your room and bring in those tips!
Bring on the Fun and Games!
Games that involve chance (such as bingo, keno, Jenga, flipping cards, and rolling dice) are a great way to involve people in the room and bring in tips. Especially if there’s a prize in the form of teasing yourself! It’s a gamble that appeals to many and the process will provide a great visual that helps guide other users to your room. Don’t be afraid to utilize the games and apps that most webcam sites provide. These are made to entice and draw-in tokens!
Each site has different options for games but if you aren’t a fan of their apps or programs, I recommend getting a game you can play while online. Perhaps make your own spinning wheel with prizes or have users tip toward a squat fund/spank fund! Anything interactive that you share with your fans helps time go faster and keeps you and others entertained.
If they aren’t responding to the game, try throwing in an extra prize. For instance: “If you tip 25 and it’s not a prize on my wheel/keno I will give you a FREE video!” It adds to the gamble and helps get things moving faster. Try making it a ‘limited time deal’ and say something like “For the next minute, I will offer a spank for every X amount of tokens!”
Keep your power throughout the show
It’s difficult to keep your power throughout the show, but necessary. Once you start getting a good group of regulars in the room, you’re also inviting a different kind of regular. Most regulars are helpful, tip often, and assist in the room, but you may find that over time some feel entitled to things in your room. These users are few and far between but great to keep an eye out for. These regulars may try to change your prices, suggest how you should perform differently, and even ask for free things.
REMEMBER! This is YOUR room, YOUR kingdom. Do not allow anyone to take that power away from you. With one click of your mouse, you can make anyone leave and their entitlement must leave with them. Sometimes it’s hard to put your foot down, especially when a user has been helpful in the past but NO ONE should make you feel as though you owe them something in this industry. It’s yours to control.
If you want some advice regarding keeping your limits in the bedroom, take a look at this guide.
The Online Backup Plan
If it’s slow and you want to burn the entire internet down, that’s fine. We all feel there sometimes and it’s necessary to have slow days to better appreciate the fast-paced ones. The important thing? Have a slow day backup plan. If you’re sitting there, staring at the throngs of people refusing to speak or tip it will only fuel the sadness or anger you feel.
I recommend having something you enjoy close by to entertain. I’ll throw on my favorite songs and dance around a little or work on my to-do lists with a tip vibe in. Some may complain the list-making is boring to watch but I believe it’s far better than banning everyone and pulling my hair out. It makes time go by faster and you can double up!
Try making some content and taking sexy pictures while you are online, too! Two birds, one stone (especially if you are a content creator outside webcam modeling).
Double… or Triple Up!
This one is a personal preference and some argue it takes away from the focus in one room. Still, it’s a method that has helped me get through the slower months and I swear by it when it comes to making money and maintaining your sanity if it’s slow. Stream from multiple sites at the same time!
I normally have 3-5 sites up and put them on pause whenever I am taken private. This ensures there’s more chance to make money, complete goals, and have ongoing conversations. If you plan on taking this route, be sure to consider the following:
– Make sure you check all platforms regularly! Don’t forget about the others and ignore the users, jump between rooms as much as you can.
– Keep your language vague regarding the other rooms. Some sites do NOT allow you to advertise other sites, so you want to make sure you don’t use the cam site names.
– If you feel this depleting your energy too much or are receiving complaints from users that feel ignored, try taking a break and focusing on one site until you’re ready to take on more. This is an option and should not steal the joy of webcamming from you.
Above all, have fun and the users will be able to tell. If you’re online and panicked about money or what’s going on in your real world it is more difficult to connect with your customers and relay a fun, relaxing room. They can tell!
You’ve got this!