10 Different Foods That Increase Your Libido

Sex Educator, Author, and Host of Open Bobs BB
Food that Gets you in the mood for sex?
Different types of food have been used throughout the ages to get in the mood! Did you know that these 10 foods will get you ready to go for some mind-blowing sex?
In the end, everyone is different, but why not dish up some good food and see where the night takes you?
Cocoa produces serotonin and dopamine! These chemicals in our brain produce happiness and assist with lowering stress levels. I would use any excuse in the book to get my hands on some chocolate, so I’m pleased to embrace this one. Grab some chocolate-covered strawberries for your partner and make it a night to remember!
This is one that I heard a lot growing up. If you need a physical performance jump, Oysters are known to have large amounts of zinc. Zinc is a mineral that enhances testosterone and boosts your natural growth hormones. Although, make sure to give your teeth a good brush afterward to prevent the fishy smell!
Watermelon contains a lot of lycopene, a beta-carotene that assists in relaxing blood vessels. The nutrients will encourage the circulation of all your naughty bits! In the end, it’s sweet and delicious. Beyond that, it’s a great way to get sticky and fun with your partner!
Nuts are known to help reduce cholesterol levels which will assist with blood circulation. Some nuts also contain an amino acid called L-arginine. This amino acid is a vital part of nitric oxide, which helps keep your erection ready to play.
Eating garlic stops the growth of new fatty deposits in your body. Garlic certainly doesn’t make your breath smell nice for your partner, but many say it helps your erection! I went ahead and passed on this one for the sake of my partner.
L-arginine helps treat erectile dysfunction, and oatmeal is swimming in it! Next time you reach for bacon and other breakfast foods instead of the dreaded oatmeal, think of the benefits you are passing up.
There’s nothing better than being told that eating meat will assist with your sex life and sex drive! One of the leading causes of fatigue in women is due to iron deficiency, something eating some steak and burgers helps with! Keep up your energy in the bedroom by keeping your body ready to go.
Red Wine
To pair with your steak, grab some red wine! A study showed that women had increased sexual desire after a glass or two of wine. But remember, enjoying more will not continue to grow sexual arousal. Furthermore, drinking to a point where consent can’t be easily given or taken away is not okay. Drink in moderation and enjoy the benefits!
Omega-3 fatty acids are known to benefit your heart as well as increase dopamine levels in your brain! Dopamine assists with relaxation, which helps many get in the mood for sex.
Aside from looking incredibly sexual when eaten slowly, bananas are stuffed full of potassium! Potassium helps to break down salty foods, which can block blood flow throughout your body (including your erogenous zones!).
Add some healthy exercise before the big act and you’ll find your arousal cocktail! (Learn more about exercise and arousal here)