How To Remove Cum Stains & Keep It Clean After Masturbation

Bella Trix
Bella is fascinated by sex history, mythology, and novelty toys. She enjoys bubble baths and wearing sexy lingerie.

Cum Stains are a mess no one wants

I like to lovingly refer to this blog as how to get cum out, or the stuff you should’ve learned early on but never did. 

Removing cum stains is downright difficult at times, but completely possible! Come along as we dive into the ways you can clean up after you get off.

Cum is a natural part of any sexual experience but it’s also very messy. No one likes to roll over in the middle of the night to be confronted by a crusty and yet somehow still wet spot. In the morning that crusty spot can be hard to get rid of, especially if it’s been there all night. Or maybe there are multiple spots and you’ve been extra naughty. I’m here to share a few tricks to get out those reminders of a fun time. Let’s start with the carpet!


These stains are easy to remove. Take a sponge to the affected area with cool water and a detergent solution. The important part here is cool water. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT use warm water. That will make it worse. Follow up with some rinsing and then blot with dry paper towels to remove as much moisture as possible. Let it dry. If anything else remains use a soft brush to remove it and repeat the process until fully removed.

Sheets (or anything cotton or natural fiber-based)

Start by rinsing the spot out with cold water (again DO NOT use warm/hot water). This will get out most of the crusty bits. Use a detergent solution to remove the rest of the cum. Then wash as normal.

Nice Clothing

Do yourself a favor and take my advice. If it’s a nice item of clothing such as a work blouse or pants, take it to the dry cleaner. They know exactly what they’re doing and get paid to take out stains. Believe me, your mess will not be something they haven’t seen before. 

Caught in a Quickie?

Got cum on your clothes while having a sexy moment in a public place? Use some water and a white napkin (don’t use a colored napkin) to blot out the cum. Keep in mind that depending on the clothing this may not work. If you have the opportunity to take off the piece of clothing and run it under cold water take it!

Use the same method as you would for sheets and use a tiny dab of hand soap if needed. Once you’re pretty positive it’s out, use the hand dryer to dry the article of clothing before returning to the party. Seltzer water is also a good option if you can’t make it to the bathroom and only have a dark corner to quickly remove the cum.


Here are a few general reminders no matter where the stain is. Carpet, sheets, shirt, or a mixture of all three.

  • The faster you take action the less likely it is to stain.

  • Always use cold water. Never use warm or hot water. It will make the stain worse.

  • My secret weapon for most bodily fluids is hydrogen peroxide. That shit has gotten out the toughest of cum stains on my sheets.

Those are all the dirty secrets I have to get cum out. If you follow these basic principles and steps you should avoid some embarrassing stains or even some awkward moments. Now go forth and make cum stains! (For practice, you know.)

Check out this other blog from Bella about Turkeys…and Balls HERE!