Exploring Little Space – What Is It?

Tawney Seren
Sex Educator, Author, and Host of Open Bobs BB
Little Space is a unique dynamic
Little space is a dynamic within BDSM where an individual, often referred to as the “little,” adopts a childlike mindset. They then engage in behaviors and emotions that tend to lean toward playfulness. This space allows for a unique exploration of vulnerability, care, and nurturing, providing a safe environment for self-expression and connection. To some, it’s a perverse power play dynamic, to others – it’s necessary for their personal sexual health.
What Is Little Space?
It is different for each person, but there are a few things that most have in common. Little space is a space in the mind where they feel safe and comfortable expressing themselves with a free spirit. The person can be silly, playful, and “little” in general. It is not necessarily a room or a physical space, but rather a state of mind. Often in these situations, there is a dominant that is there to watch, facilitate, or take part in the dynamic.
What is done in it?
What is done in little space varies widely depending on the individual. For some, they will watch cartoons with their blanket, play Nintendo, cuddle, color, or anything else that brings them comfort. Sex can also play into little space, but not always. It’s not primarily a sexual act, but a way to step away from the stress of the real world and take on a role where you can be directed or live a simplistic and easy life.
How to Nurture Little Space
It’s not always inherently sexual; instead, it often focuses on comfort, playfulness, and emotional connection.
Here are some things that can enhance the experience of little space: