Introduction to Collars in BDSM

Tawney Seren
Sex Educator, Author, and Host of Open Bobs BB
Submissives in BDSM are given a collar by their dom
Styles and meanings vary widely, but each one has significant meaning and a unique set of values and responsibilities attached.
Come along for some more information about collars and their importance in a Dom and Submissive relationship.
In the BDSM lifestyle, a collar signifies commitment
In BDSM, a collar represents a significant milestone for a submissive, something they work toward with dedication. When a Dominant offers a collar, it marks a deep level of trust and pride in the relationship. A key rule surrounds the collar: only the Dominant who places it on the submissive can remove it. The submissive must leave it on until the Dominant decides the time is right for it to come off.
Collars come in various forms, each serving a different purpose. Training collars are given when a submissive is “in training,” learning the expectations set by the Dominant. A play collar is typically worn only during scenes, while in the Dominant’s presence. Day collars, on the other hand, are designed to be worn throughout the day and often resemble discreet necklaces, blending into everyday life while still carrying significant meaning for the wearer.
So many styles to choose from!
Many are premade and relatively affordable. Custom collars, though, are very popular. Since each relationship is different, many couples choose this option to show the uniqueness of their love. From leather to metal, to a mixture of both, the possibilities are endless.
Collaring is very sacred and personal.
A collaring ceremony often takes place to mark the moment a submissive receives their collar. These ceremonies can vary based on the couple’s desires but, much like a wedding, they may involve guests, exchanged vows, and the involvement of close friends.
Although the word “collar” might sound harsh to some, it holds profound significance in the lifestyle, and receiving one is a sacred act. For those not familiar with BDSM, it can be hard to understand why someone would choose to wear a collar. However, many collars are crafted to be beautiful, and some are even quite extravagant, reflecting the deep meaning they carry for the wearer.
Want to learn more about the dynamics of BDSM? Read our blog!