Setting Limits in Cam Performing and In The Bedroom

Sex Educator, Performer, Author, and Host of Open Bobs BB
Setting Limits for Yourself and your cam room is Key
Adult performing allows you to open your mind and explore new fetishes and kinks that you may like when utilized correctly. Each request better opens your mind and expands your Google search. Still, pushing yourself and others is detrimental to your health and performing experience. Beyond that, it hurts your connection in the bedroom with partners.
Why Should You Set Limits?
Even after over a decade of adult work I still find myself puzzled at some requests sent my way! You’re telling me you haven’t fucked yourself upside down while singing the Star-Spangled Banner? In all seriousness, allowing custom requests for content from users helps your own sex education, but should always be taken in stride.
As sex workers, we are often testing our emotional and physical boundaries. It’s hard to sometimes remember one key thing: we enforce our own limits. Don’t be afraid to say no or offer up a counter request to baby step the fetish. Jumping into something you aren’t comfortable with is never okay and is detrimental to your sexual growth.
A Lesson I had to learn
In my earlier performing years, I was guilty of jumping into a content request without checking the comfort level of all involved. Without a proper conversation with all parties, the request ended on a sour note and ultimately turned both me and the other performer off. In the end, we both agreed not to take custom requests for several years. It was something I believe could have been prevented if a proper level of communication had been done before ever accepting the request.
I now know just how important it is to have full communication and take baby steps for new content and new kinks you aren’t otherwise comfortable and familiar with.
I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with what you are okay with and not okay with BEFORE opening an option for customs. Personally, I found that basic masturbation sex videos allowing different names to be moaned was a great starting place. Allowing others to choose my positions and outfits was a way to become comfortable with taking direction. Remember: you will know your own comfort levels better than I will. Be sure to feel things out and never be afraid to say NO.
I fell under the new cam performer spell
No matter what fetish came my way or made me uncomfortable, I wanted to do it! This only led me to dread creating these videos and took the joy and excitement out of the sexual exploration. I pushed myself into uncomfortable situations and those I was camming with at the time expressed that they did the same.
I was excited by the money and the sexual exploration and instead of feeling out what I was most interested in doing, I accepted almost everything that came my way.
Reflect on what you are comfortable with
Each one of us responds differently to sexual acts and situations. This is dependent upon our previous relationships, or a multitude of other past experiences. If you get a request for a custom or someone asks you to do something on cam that you are unsure about…make sure you take the time to explore it before agreeing.
No amount of money can be worth your own sexual exploration and comfort. This is your empire, your room, your rules. The sex industry is supposed to be here for your enjoyment and the enjoyment of the viewers. If you aren’t having fun or loving what you are doing it chips away at you bit by bit. This is the same for your partner and what you do in the bedroom. Comfort is key and pleasure should be one thing: pleasurable!
In the end, when you enjoy yourself, the cam room and your partner will know! Reluctantly doing things because you think someone else will like them never works out long-term.
Take your kinks by the balls and HAVE FUN!
Are you interested in becoming a cam performer? Take a look at my guide on what you need to start here, or sign up for your own streaming account on my favorite site, Chaturbate here! 18+ ONLY.