4 Ways Meditation Can Help With Sex

Cammer with 6 years of experience with an upcoming novel, Twisted Tales.

Meditation is something we’ve all heard about…


The ability to clear your mind and become present in the moment, to alleviate some stress and live a better life. Too good to be true? Many researchers have found that meditation can not only be beneficial, but life changing.

What we don’t often talk about is the benefits to your sex life. Explore these four ways meditation can assist and enhance sex.

1.) Mindful Moments

One of the many benefits to meditation is becoming mindful of the present moment. Think about how many times you’re wondering what’s on your to-do list instead of focusing on what’s happening in that moment. Meditation helps train your mind to be always present…what better time than during sex? Practicing this mentality can not only help you enjoy the physical sensations you’re engaging in but also make you more present for your partner.

They will notice the difference and so will you.


2.) Prolonging Orgasm

In meditation, great focus is put into learning breathing exercises that both calm your body and your mind. If you’re someone who has a hard time controlling the speed of your orgasm, these breathing exercises may help you. If done during sex (deep breath in your nose, deep breath out your mouth) they can assist in calming your body and refocusing instead of getting wound up in the impending orgasm and losing control.

This breathing technique creates a calm, low stress response in your body that helps eliminate the ‘fight or flight’ reaction we have during everyday life. A calmer, more focused body is only beneficial to yourself and your partner.

3.) Heat and Tantric Fun…Oh MY!

Tantric Yoga and other tantric work revolving around ideals and practices seen in meditation have been used to enhance sex for quite some time. Not only can our body create a ‘relaxation response’ during meditation, some studies have shown that monks were able to redirect bloodflow and energy to parts of their body. Allow meditation to give you the means to explore the energy in your body and where it can be redirected. Even if that simply means you’ve given yourself the opportunity to become more sensitive in areas used in sex.


4.) Rest up

Meditation helps you rest both your body and your mind. Just as it provides you with relaxation, it also provides you with a ‘nap simulation’ that can leave you feeling like you just took a good mental cat nap. If you’re feeling to exhausted for sex or mentally drained, meditation will assist with alleviating those sensations. This will leave you available mentally and physically to engage with your partner!


So give it a try and experience the power of meditation for both your general health and sex!